Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology

Gartenstrasse 29, D-72074 Tübingen

phone +49 7071 2974219, fax: +49 7071 295956

The Institute

The Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology was established at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tübingen in 1993. With the assignment of the chair for Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology to Professor Birbaumer the educational task became the instruction of medical students in "Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology".

The Research Program

The topic of the research of the Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology is in learning- and memory-processes and their applications to the diagnosis and treatment of medical and psychological disorders. The neural and psychological basis of learning and memory performance are being examined at the level of the central nervous system, of peripheral physiological processes and at the level of cognitive processes. Classical Conditioning, Instrumental Conditioning as well as the acquisition of knowledge (declarative memory) and of skills (procedural memory) are analysed at all levels of human behavior: the physiological-biochemical level, the motor-behavioral level and the subjective-cognitive level. The result of the basic psychobiological research is applied to specific clinical problems. A main focus of attention is the exact elucitation of the extent of cortical and behavioral plasticity. The determination of the variability due to learning serves to develop behavioral treatment strategies for disorders which until recently were uncurable or difficult to treat. Behavioral treatment methods have been developed and experimentally examined in controlled studies with the collaborating clinical institutions for the following disorders: Epilepsy, chronic pain, high blood pressure, aphasia, Parkinson's disease, skoliosis, kyphosis, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, local brain lesions and attentional disorders. Some of these treatment methods are now used in clinical practice.


phone +49 7071 297- direct mail-contact
Professor Dr. Niels Birbaumer - 4219 mail(
Secretary and Administration
Angela Straub - 4219 mail(
Ursula Wettemann - 4218 mail(
Professor Dr. Herta Flor - 3244 mail
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Larbig - 4226 mail(
Professor Dr. Werner Lutzenberger - 4222 mail(
Assistant Professors
PD Dr. Irene Daum (Ph.D.) - 3244 mail(
Dr. Oliver Diedrich - 4224 mail(
Dr. Paul Pauli - 4513 mail(
PD Dr. Harald Rau - 4222 mail(
Dr. Markus Schugens - 4224 mail(
Dipl.-Psych. Ute Strehl - 4218 mail(
Research Associates
Dr. Christoph Braun - 7402 mail(
Dr. Caterina Breitenstein - 7501 mail(
Dr. Stuart Brody (Ph.D.) - 4222 mail(
Dipl.-Psych. Bärbel Knost - 4223 mail(
Dr. Boris Kotchoubey - 4380 mail(
Dr. Bettina Mohr-Pulvermüller - 4222 mail(
Dr. Pedro Montoya - 4221 mail(
Dr. Ron Mucha - 7114 mail(
Dr. Viktor Müller - 4379 mail(
Dr. Hubert Preissl - 4220 mail(
Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller - 4220 mail(
Dr. Fritz Sommer - 5997 mail(
Dipl.-Biol., Dipl.-Psych. Renate Schweizer - 7401, - 5906 mail(
Research Assistants
Stella Dimu - 3244/4223
Gaby Blaumann-Benninghoff - 5997
Sieglinde Haug - 4220
Gabi Walker - 4380

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Hubert Preißl